Are Weekends Destroying Your Diet? – Healyourhealthyourself

For the majority of people, weekends are days of relaxation. At the young age of school-going children and after-school students, this can be...

The Physical (or Forceful) Path • Healyourhealthyourself

What is commonly called yoga in the West is technically Hatha Yoga. Hatha Yoga (ha=”sun” tha=”moon”) attains the union of mind-body-spirit through a...

Smart Summer Eats with Panda Express — Healyourhealthyourself

One of my favorite things about Panda is their Wok Smart options - did you know there is a whole Wok Smart menu...

How to Stay in the Present Moment in Everyday Life: 5 Simple Habits

“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”Buddha There is only one time...

2B Mindset: Lose Weight Without Starving

The other day, one of my weight-loss clients told me that she’d been “starving” while waiting for lunchtime to come around. Of course, she...

What’s The Healthiest Nut Butter?

Nut butters can add an extra dose of flavor to some of your favorite fruits or morning smoothie, and are perfect for a...

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