Practical Advice from the Yoga Mat – Healyourhealthyourself
By Melissa Bryan Lead With Love Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu.May all beings be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words and actions of my...
Self Improvement
53 Nice Things To Say Or Write To Your Mom To Make Her Day
Remember how your grade school teachers had you make a Mother"s Day gift for your mom? At the time, you may not have realized...
Aphrodisiac Foods for Valentine’s Day – Healyourhealthyourself
Valentine’s Day is one of the most loving (and costly) celebrations in the world because of the intensity of people’s overflowing emotions. Loving couples find just another reason to...
The 5 Warrior Poses of Yoga • Healyourhealthyourself
In Indian yogic tradition, the five poses of the warriors are called the Virabhadrasana series or the Vira poses. They are all standing...
Coronavirus Diet — Healyourhealthyourself
With the the current anxiety and fear around coronavirus, you might be wondering what the best way to protect yourself may be. While...
Self Improvement
Thoughts to Truly Help You Change Your Life (2021)
A simple thought or quote can send your mind off in a new direction. It can be the simple start of a positive change...