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95 Feeling Lost Quotes to Help You Find Your Way in Life

Today I’d like to share the most helpful and uplifting quotes on feeling lost. Timeless thoughts that will help you to stay strong through...

37 Ways To Tell Someone You Miss Them

Telling someone you miss them does not have to be hard, but you don’t want to come across as weirdly obsessive either.  These days,...

5 Ways to Open Up Your Unfulfilled Creativity

Creativity can be as elusive as trying to capture lightning in one of those old-timey, miniscule apothecary bottles. As an author who literally...

The Power of Thankfulness: 5 Essential Tips

“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.”G.K. Chesterton “Enjoy the little things,...

How to Let Go of Emotions and Thoughts That Hold You Down

Struggling to let go of situations, circumstances, and resentment? Can’t seem to shake off the negative thoughts and feelings that are lingering around?...

Are You Truly You? How to Stop Seeing Yourself Through Someone Else’s Eyes

I was in grade 10 at the time. My mom dropped me off a block away from the movie theater. I got out...

How to Write a Letter To A Disrespectful Son (Examples of what to say)

That’s it! You’ve had it with this kid. And you know, until you talk to your son about his behavior and present his...

3 Simple Ways to Improve Your Mood Right Now

I sometimes write about how a good start to your day often leads to having a good day in general. A social, an energetic...

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