Self Improvement
99 Best Responses To A Compliment From A Guy
There you are, minding your own business, and some rando pays you a compliment. Or maybe it’s someone you know. And whether it’s sweet,...
Self Improvement
5 Self-Improvement Steps to Take Before Starting a Relationship
A healthy, loving relationship is a wonderful thing —there’s much to be said about the psychological and even physical benefits of knowing that...
Self Improvement
13 Signs Of A Queerplatonic Relationship
What does it mean to have a queerplatonic partnership? What makes it different from being “really good friends”? And does the “platonic” mean...
Self Improvement
Delayed Gratification Set Me on a Good Financial Path for Life
I’ve lived by the, “Save early, spend later,” motto, influenced greatly by my pragmatic mom, since I first began earning money at a...
Self Improvement
83 Keep Your Head Up Quotes (+ My 3 Favorite Tips for Tough Times)
Sometimes life is simply tough. And it is hard to stay motivated and to keep a positive mindset. So in the first part of...
Self Improvement
How to Reduce Your Social Nervousness: 3 Simple Steps
“Do not anticipate trouble or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.”Benjamin Franklin One very common question I've gotten over the...
Self Improvement
7 Signs You Are Attracted To Another Woman
What makes a woman attractive to a woman? And how can you know for sure if a woman you know is attracted to...
Self Improvement
120 New Beginnings Quotes (+ My 5 Favorite Steps for a Fresh Start)
Today I'd like to share a collection of quotes about new beginnings. This one's for you that wants to make a change in your...