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Knowing Your Message vs Delivering Your Message

Have you ever sent a text message only to have it misinterpreted by the person reading it? Happens all the time. Have you...

How to Overcome Nervousness: 7 Simple Habits

“Do not anticipate trouble or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.”Benjamin Franklin “If I don't train enough, of course I'm...

90 Motivational Saturday Quotes for a Happy Weekend and Life

You wake up without the alarm clock going off. Without hurrying through your morning routine. It’s Saturday and your weekend has just begun. To help...

99 Things To Love About Yourself

When was the last time you took inventory of all the things to like about yourself? If you’ve never done that, now’s the...

The 3 Most Important Things I Learned About Personal Growth

When you look back on your life, what do you want to think about? Do you plan to reminisce on all of the...

10 Less Stressful Ways to Get Your Daily Work Done

“Tell me to what you pay attention and I will tell you who you are.”Jose Ortega y Gasset “We are what we repeatedly do....

11 Characteristics Of A Bitter Person

What makes bitter people the way they are? You’ve run out of ideas on how to help someone in your life see things...

11 Characteristics Of A Curious Person

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it’s a quality that can make you feel alive and engaged in life. Curious people feel...

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