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How to Overcome Perfectionism: 6 Powerful Habits

“Certain flaws are necessary for the whole. It would seem strange if old friends lacked certain quirks.”Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe “People throw away what...

11 Ways To Apologize To Your Grown Daughter

Saying sorry to someone you hurt is a critical step toward making amends and rebuilding your relationship. But it’s generally not something you...

67 Christmas Icebreaker Questions For Holiday Gatherings

Plan a memorable holiday party this year by supplying your guests with Christmas icebreakers. These are questions designed to jumpstart conversations. They help...

Why Is My Grown Daughter So Mean To Me?

It’s the big question on your mind lately: “Why is my grown daughter so mean to me?” You used to be a lot closer,...

21 Backhanded Compliments That Leave You Wondering

Some people say mean things to your face but mask them as compliments. Comments that sound cheery but are laced with poison are...

15 Simple Ways to Spread Happiness and Kindness Around You

“Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate.”Albert Schweitzer “A single act of...

5 Ways to Rediscover Your Purpose in Life

Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to be a writer. But my quintessential Indian father thought that was a terrible...

31 Things Money Can’t Buy (Life’s Most Valuable Gifts)

You’ve probably been told that money can’t buy everything. While this is true, we often overlook all the things that can’t be bought....

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